APAK Group Plc has extended the
capabilities of its wholesale stocking finance system.

Business unit director Tony Allen explained that the new system,
WFSv6, now includes an international cross-border function with a
multi-language facility.

This, he said, is to reflect and augment the multi-national
operations of APAK’s customers as well as the growing international
aspect of finance generally.

He added: “Amortised dealer loan functions are another
significant aspect of the new system. We are able to provide
lenders with a fully-integrated loans module which supports
traditional overdraft lending along with advance commissions and
term loans.”  

Allen stressed that WFSv6, which is to go fully live in Q1 2008,
now permits “any type of equipment” to be funded. This allows the
system to extend to companies which offer factoring as well as
stocking finance – and which will help them to win new vendor and
dealer business.