The ability for commercial vehicle fleet lessors to measure
their fleet’s performance – and to compare it with that of their
competitors – is becoming crucial as fuel costs skyrocket and road
taxes increase.

Chevin Fleet Solutions is piloting an On Line Benchmarking (OLB)
system, which is being funded by the UK Department for Transport,
and which aims to enable fleet operators to “externally and
anonymously” compare their fleet operation with others.

Ashley Sowerby, managing director of Chevin Fleet Solutions,
explained that while there are many tools available for transport
lessors to benchmark their fleets, internally none can compare
fleet performance with other operators and differing sectors within
the industry.

He said that the OLB, which is free to use and internet-based,
and will enable lessors to compare up to 10 key performance
indicators including miles-per-gallon (MPG) and safety issues, is
anonymous, will only allow secure data transfer and is able to
provide instant results comparisons.

“Key reports to be generated by the system,” he added, “will
include MPG, safety issues, empty running and time