IBM Global Financing and Belgium-based technology company Barco
have teamed up to provide a new lease product intended to boost
projector sales to small- and medium-size rental and staging
Barco designs and develops visual display equipment for
application in the healthcare, utilities, transportation, media and
entertainment, defence and corporate sectors.
The new financing product is aimed at making Barco projector
technology more accessible to small- and medium-size rental and
staging companies.
IBM would not disclose the amount of financing deals this vendor
partnership was expected to bring in.
“The current agreement is with Barco’s media and entertainment
division as it is focused on their CLN projector line,” IBM said in
a written response to Leasing Life.
“Barco will solely recommend IGF to its customers for the HD8
and R10+ models. Expansion of this agreement in the future is
contemplated by both parties.”
The programme will be offered to credit-qualified customers in
Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the UK,
Canada and the US, Barco said.
In many cases, the lease product will be on a 24-month term to
match the time frame in which most companies seek an equipment
“Barco has specifically designed this programme with IBM Global
Financing to get high-definition projector technology into the
hands of rental and staging companies in the small- to mid-market
arena,” said Stephan Paridaen, president of Barco’s media and
entertainment division.
“While we are proud to see our brand featured at many of the
larger headliner concerts around the world, there is a lot of
demand too for our technology at smaller corporate events and