3 Step IT Group, a specialist in IT equipment life-cycle
management, posted an increase in turnover of more than 35 per cent
to €174m in 2007.

Operating revenue, or earnings before interest and tax, rose by
6.5 per cent to €4.8m.

Business operations were strengthened in all market areas in
Finland, Scandinavia, the Baltic region and the UK, 3 Step

The share of exports from annual turnover was 16.1 per cent, an
increase of 40.5 per cent compared with the previous year. Growth
was boosted through cooperation with its partners including IBM
Global Financing and Pohjola Bank.

In February 2007, the founder shareholders and personnel
acquired the company back from a capital investor and increased
their ownership to 100 per cent. Through a private placement,
Pension Fennia became a minority shareholder in June with a share
of 17.5 per cent.

The new ownership structure secures the long-term development of
3 Step IT, it said.

“Our objective is to be a global company operating through the
efforts of 500 people and with an annual turnover of €1bn in 2015,”
said managing director, Artti Aurasmaa