Leasing organisations
are a bit like buses; you wait around for one and then two come
along at once.
One would probably not
expect that old cliché to ever be applied to the European asset
finance industry, but a quick look through the following news pages
shows it is perfectly apt.
In late June Peter
McDonnell of the Cordoba Group suggested, at an industry lunch held
in London, that he thought there might be space in the UK market
for a not-for-profit membership organisation, geared firmly towards
the social side of the business (see UK leasing needs one voice
– FLA, page 8).
Just a few weeks later
and two well-known and vocal members of the leasing community
Andrew Denton, of CHP Consulting and Derek Soper, of consultants
IAA-Advisory, launched the Lease Foundation (see Not-for-profit
foundation to focus on research and fundraising, page 6) with
a mission-statement focused on supporting the industry through
academic research, personnel development programmes and charitable
Unlike buses arriving
at the same time, however, there is nothing irritating about the
sudden proliferation of leasing organisations and
For a start, there is
the simple fact we don’t all get out as much as we used to. 2008
brought to the industry a dramatic focus on efficiency and
cost-benefit calculation which saw marketing budgets slashed,
working hours increased, and a generally more austere approach to
working life take hold. Add to this the recent advent of the
bribery act cutting back opportunities to entertain clients, and
there is a definite feeling that the leasing social life has
And that, besides
diminishing opportunities to catch up with old friends and
colleagues, is bad for business. I know for a fact that
conversations had at the recent Cordoba gathering led to commercial
agreements being made, and job interviews being
Secondly, there is the
charitable aspect. The leasing industry’s philanthropic work is
necessarily enhanced by the creation of new events, and the fact
that both of the new organisations are keen to focus on charitable
work is indicative of the warm heart of the leasing community.
That, no one can argue with.
Of course, the
creation of new organisations does nothing to diminish the
importance of those already established. Leasing trade bodies
across Europe – the FLA in the UK, BDL in Germany and Assilea in
Italy to name but a few – all make an enormous and, at times,
irreplaceable contribution to their home markets and, under the
auspices of Leaseurope, to the industry as a whole. Their
high-level lobbying, professional statistics work and tireless
communication efforts could not, and will not, be replaced by
complementary organisations.
But that doesn’t mean
there isn’t more work to be done, and clearly there are people
willing to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in.
As an industry
which relies on up-to-date, relevant data to be able to better
service its client base and better manoeuvre the obstacles ahead,
the establishment of more research groups will undoubtedly benefit
leasing companies and professionals throughout the
Being at the helm of
the trade magazine which services the pan-European leasing
industry, I take pride in the part Leasing Life plays in
providing information to the leasing community but equally I
welcome the addition of more data providers and the dissemination
of intelligent thought and analysis.
What some readers may
take issue with is that, with too many voices representing the
sector, the right voices could get drowned out in the resulting
This is a danger but
it is onewhich is easily avoided.
So long as cooperation
and a strong sense of community is maintained between the groups
that form, the addition of further organisations is a golden
opportunity for all members of the sector to help enrich their
industry through active participation. Therefore, it gives me great
pleasure to welcome the Lease Foundation and to encourage Peter
McDonnell in his endeavours. I look forward to working with both
groups in the future and to invite you all to do the
Fred Crawley