All articles by Vicky Meek
Vicky Meek
Sowing the seeds of growth
Leasing volumes in agriculture are on the rise as farmers look to release cash to invest in other parts of their business As world leaders attempt to grapple with the problem of how to feed the globes rapidly expanding population, national governments are seeking to ensure more self-sufficiency in food production
Building towards growth?
The recession has hit the construction industry hard in many markets And, while demand is starting to pick-up, rising costs and reduced inventories may well slow down the level of new leasing business written this year
Healthy outlook for medical equipment leasing
An aging population in Europe means pressure to maintain spending in health care is building At the same time, governments, grappling with austerity measures, are pushing health care providers to do more with less All this plays to the leasing industry’s strengths
Fortune favours the adaptable in printing
Technological and economic change means the printing industry offers plentiful opportunities for those players who rapidly adapt to the new environment The past decade has seen technological shifts that are starting not only to revolutionise the way printed material is produced, but also alter the media through which people consume information, such as newspapers, advertising and marketing flyers
Smartphones are the new laptops
Lessors need to keep moving if they want to stay on top in the IT market A constant stream of innovations means that the IT industry has always been fast-paced and lessors in the sector have had to keep up or lose out
Cutting-edge leasing
Renewables lessors are the pioneers who are forever seeking to find new ways to finance green equipment The leasing market in the renewable energy sector remains patchy at best
Business equipment defaults decline
Quality decision making and private sector recovery are expected to keep sector afloat in 2011, but customers are cautious about commitment Until recently, businesses were cutting costs and laying off staff as they battened down the hatches and sought to weather the economic storm
In it for the long haul
HGV leasing was hit hard by recession, but the market is gradually regaining strength and long-term prospects for the sector are positive