All articles by Maryann Tan

Maryann Tan
Western lessors continue to blossom in the CEE
Western lessors continue to blossom in the CEE In parts of Europe, funders are still either finding new geographical or niche market segments to branch into. We have been able to bring in more business, open new segments for vendor clients, and improve profits but not necessarily incur higher costs, said Patrick Gouin,SGEFs global head of high tech division.
Heritable AF showing strength with five-fold profit hike
Heritable Asset Finance, a unit of Heritable Bank and Icelands Landsbanki financial group, is expected to report an almost fivefold increase in profit after tax for the financial year ended December 31 2007
Marwood heads east to bolster KPMG’s Gulf finance arm
Philip Marwood, a tax partner at KPMG, is a face one would easily associate with the UKs asset finance industry First appointed to head up the UK offices asset finance division more than a decade ago, and having since grown the team to around 15 staff today, he has become somewhat of an industry fixture Long-time clients, however, will soon see less of Marwood in the City as he heads east to fill the newly created role of head of International Tax Services for Middle East and South Asia (MESA)
De Lage Landen’s profit up 14%
De Lage Landen posted a 14 per cent increase in 2007 net profit and projected it would sustain its double-digit net profit growth record of the past five years in 2008
New business at Deutsche Leasing up 24%
New business at Deutsche Leasing up 24% Deutsche Leasing Group has reported a 24 per cent increase in new business written for the financial year ended September 30 2007, bringing total new business to 7.8bn
Relationships with vendors and funders are put under increased strain
Relationships with vendors and funders are put under increased strain Control of the customer relationship is a perennial source of tension for vendor and financiers, Clive Rendell, principal of Global Vendor Finance at Banc of America, said during his conference speech.
£30m of business expected in new HSBC-3 Step tie-up
After a long hiatus from the IT equipment leasing business, HSBC is now back in the game, with a new tie-up with the Finnish IT services group, 3 Step IT.
ING Lease grows portfolio amid weaker margins
The leasing and factoring division reported a 13 per cent fall in underlying fourth quarter net profit, as investment losses and higher operating expenses offset strong volume growth