All articles by Brian Rogerson

Brian Rogerson
The domino effect
The news in early October that Swiss investment bank UBS made a loss of £340m in Q3 2007, and that Deutsche Bank was preparing for a 250m (£175m) shortfall during the same period, were yet two more warning shots across the bows of the leasing industry
Fire sale still on ice
As Iceland rushed to stave off economic ruin by announcing a $6 billion (4.7 billion) International Monetary Fund rescue package, eyes in the UK were on the collapse of Icelands banks all of which had representation in the UK.
Fleet lessors to be hit by predicted slump in residual values
Fleet lessors to be hit by predicted slump in residual values UK commercial vehicle (CV) lessors viewed with alarm forecasts in June that the value of used cars could fall by as much as 25 per cent during 2008. The predicted fall compares with a usual decline in values of around 8 per cent and caused much speculation as to how CV residual values will fare as ex-fleet vehicles re-enter the marketplace. The principal causes are the proposed increase in vehicle excise duty and the impact of the global rise in commodity prices including fuel.
Life in the crunch: panic and uncertainty
The departure of a number of lenders of late means UK asset-finance and motorfinance brokers face an uncertain immediate future
LEASING SOFTWARE SURVEY: Marriages made in heaven?
Selecting a software system either an upgrade or a brand new implementation is a major challenge for a leasing company, Brian Rogerson finds Selecting a software system either an upgrade or a brand new implementation is a major challenge for a leasing company, Brian Rogerson finds.
State Securities tops £150m milestone
State Securities tops £150m milestone State Securities, the asset-finance subsidiary of Five Arrows Leasing Group, in recent weeks reached a milestone of £150m outstandings in the UK small to medium sized enterprise (SME) market
The path to the super-fleet
The path to the super-fleet Lex and Lloyds TSB Autolease are different in many ways Although the proposed Lloyds TSB takeover of HBOS still requires shareholder and regulatory approval, the chances of it going ahead are high given the current banking crisis and the reported willingness of HBOS executives to accept the deal.
Acquisition boosts Hitachi’s discounting business
Acquisition boosts Hitachis discounting business Hitachi Capital UK has completed the acquisition of London Scottish Invoice Finance (LSIF) from London Scottish Bank (LSB) for approximately £28.5m.
First Independent aims to broker £100m of business in 2008
First Independent Finance (FIF), the multirange asset finance broker, placed £83m new business in 2007, primarily for the small- to medium-sized enterprise sector, according to latest figures
GE tightens grip on Asian unit
GE Commercial Finance has entered an agreement to become the sole shareholder of East Asia GE Commercial Finance (EAGE)