Software and consultancy firm CHP Consulting
has joined the Association Française des Sociétés Financières
(ASF), the official French association of financial companies an
associate member.
Affiliation with the ASF, which includes all
French leasing institutions as members, will allow CHP to tailor
its ALFA Systems software more closely to the French market, the
company said in a statement.
Andrew Denton, CHP Consulting’s chief
operating officer, said: “As a member of the ASF, CHP’s first
responsibility is to satisfy the needs of its clients who operate
in and around France, but being involved officially in the French
leasing industry is also in line with our global expansion plans,
and confirming our credentials means much more potential to
implement our class-leading software platform with new
Alain Lasseron, the ASF’s deputy director
general, said he was pleased to see providers of leasing software
and consultancy services such as CHP make the effort to research
and improve their understanding of the business and regulatory
environment in which ASF members evolve.
CHP is also holds membership with the UK’s
Finance and Leasing Association (FLA), the Australian Equipment
Lessors Association (AELA), the Federal Association of German
Leasing Companies (BDL) and the US’s Equipment Leasing and Finance
Association (ELFA).