Work/Life quiz: Patrick Jelly, Pitney
Bowes Global Financial Services

What was your first ever job? Patrick Jelly, Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services

An ice cream man at Butlins in Bognor Regis.

Where’s the best place to go if you want to find out
what’s really going on in the office?

My secretary knows everything… I just can’t always get her to
tell me.

What time do you usually leave the

I usually leave the office after 7pm.

What do you do at weekends?

As I live in London during the week, and my family home is in
Chester, my weekend can only start after a three-hour drive on a
Friday night. When home we have a very active social life and I
seem to eat and drink too much.

What’s your favourite restaurant?

I love Japanese food and when I feel like treating myself I go
to Nobu… fantastic food.

If you weren’t in your current job, what would you
have been?

I would have liked to have been a racing driver or a footballer.
Unfortunately, a lack of talent in both areas led me to a career in

Who is your mentor or role model?

Without question my role model is Lance Armstrong. I aspire to
having the same level of determination, focus and talent.

What’s the best thing about your

I really enjoy being a managing director because the breadth of
issues that cross your desk in a typical day makes life interesting
and unpredictable.

What’s the toughest thing about your

Pitney Bowes is exceptionally results focused, and with leasing
operations in 15 countries I find there are so many moving parts to
manage in achieving our numbers.

What’s your biggest work/career mistake and what did
you learn from it?

A recruitment decision several years ago has taught me to bring
in and surround yourself with the best talent Pitney Bowes can

What car do you drive?

An Audi RS4. It’s the best car I have ever owned.

What book are you currently

I am reading the autobiography of Steven Gerrard and re-reading
Lance Armstrong’s Its not about the bike for the fourth time.

What’s on your CD player at the

Oasis, Peter Bruntnell, and Ashtray Hearts.